Located In

Grand Rapids, MI 49505

"Education is essential"

 Experience and professionalism matters!

Dr. Amelia "Amie" Kenyon 
Dnp, MSN, BSN, RN, AS  

Available to speak and share knowledge and education at any event. Contact me today. 

Offering professional consulting services for a variety of busines solutions, patient services, and student needs. 

Professional Nurse

Nursing experience includes leadership, training, medication administration, hospice, long term care, and psych and addiction medicine.


Education is my passion and I love teaching and training. It's amazing when students have that "Ah-ha!" moment and finally "get it!" 

LMS Expert

LMS Expert working with many LMS systems. I can help any organization get on board with their individualized and prorpietary LMS system.  


I love to mentor and assist fellow nurses, nursing students, and those considering a career in healthcare. How can I help you be successful?